Spray tans are the perfect way to get gorgeous, glowing skin without the damage of the sun. The organic formula we use creates a natural tan in a harmless way. Our mobile spray tan artists will come to you wherever you are in Orange County. Check out our frequently asked questions to learn all of the things you want to know about spray tans. If you're ready to book your tan, you can book now here. If you have more questions, send us an email and we'd love to answer them.

All About Spray Tans

Spray tan appointment prep

1. Schedule all beauty treatments (manicure, pedicure, massage, etc.) 48 hours or more before the spray tan.

2. Thoroughly exfoliate and shave 24 hours or more prior to your tan.

3. Avoid wearing makeup, lotions, perfume, fragrances, moisturizers, and deodorant to your appointment as it acts as a barrier to the spray and prevents proper color development.

4. Wear dark colored, loose fitting clothing and sandals. You may tan nude or in the underwear/bikini of your choice.

5. If you take a shower prior to your appointment, please make sure your skin is 100% dry. It is best to take a shower at least one hour prior to your scheduled tan time so your skin has fully dried and your tan will absorb better.

6. Sleep in a darker colored long sleeve shirt to prevent the solution from getting onto your sheets.

Spray tan Maintenance

Rinse in the shower 6-8 hours following your appointment unless otherwise advised. Rinse with water only; do not use soap.

Avoid deodorant, fragrances, body creams, and lotions on the same day after your tan is complete.

Moisturize using a paraben-free lotion at least twice a day to ensure even flawless fade.

Avoid chlorinated jacuzzis, saunas, steam rooms, and hot water.

Avoid abrasive products.

Do not exfoliate or shave on the same day after your tan is complete.


Have any questions or details to share? We are happy to get a call, text or email from you.


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